Those teachers who hadn’t quite embraced technology were now galvanised into action.From March to June, people underwent a drastic change. Indeed, Covid-19 succeeded in bringing about a total transformation in the behaviour of human beings and their way of life.It seems like a lifetime since we last entered the gates of our school.Six months have passed since the New Year was heralded with the usual fanfare.At the time of writing this piece, the erstwhile candidates of the Class 10 and Class 12 public examinations are awaiting their results, which will be announced by July 15. We are tired of listening to disembodied voices and watching faces on the screen. Thus, schools got into a frenzy trying to figure out which digital platform to use, getting their tech-shy teachers to learn on the job and worrying about students who were not equipped with devices.The pursuit of higher studies involving admission procedures of colleges and entry into various professional courses will be very different this year.It appears that the focus on teaching students the right values has all but completely disappeared. Even in normal years the interval between the completion of board examinations and entry into an institution of higher studies is fraught with anxiety.At the moment, those who are associated with school education are preoccupied with all kinds of multi-tasking.

They found themselves consciously reinventing their lives.In the midst of coping with an alien and demanding environment, schools are also facing a strange and dangerous threat.It came home to all that a crisis forces instant and radical change.Then there are webinars, webinars and more webinars to keep everyone informed, to market new educational products and to share ideas on how to ride the wave of change.How do we continue with the teaching-learning process? How do we make sure that children don&Wholesale Brass faucet accessories39;t fall behind? How do we become tech-savvy overnight? It was with unsure steps that schools proceeded to tackle these questions. The number of newly afflicted people is increasing exponentially every day.All of a sudden, people were called upon to adopt new habits, new attitudes and # even new worldviews.They knew that they had to make an effort to adapt to the new scheme of things in order to continue practising their profession. This phenomenon can be plainly seen in the dramatic way that school education has transformed almost overnight.People philosophised about the world having to shut down temporarily for renovation and obediently stayed at home.The board examinations which were scheduled to be held in the first half of July were cancelled after much drama and, ultimately, judicial intervention.

The future has never been so terrifyingly unpredictable. Instead of supporting educational institutions, they are actually colluding to ruin them. A false sense of near-normality prevails as the lockdown has been largely lifted in most areas. Most of us have accepted that distance learning is here to stay.As I look back on the past three months, I realise that we have come a long way since those early days of bewilderment and uncertainty. I am fervently hoping that we can ring in the New Year and ring out 2020 along with the coronavirus -- for good!.Soon March came in, innocuously enough, but before we could even grasp what was happening, the entire nation was gripped in a fierce lockdown. How do educators move away from the usual testing environment of halls, written papers and teacher-invigilators? Software companies are already offering high-tech solutions whereby students can be watched and policed.Parents are circulating the slogan “No school, no fees!”, while other groups are hollering “No vaccine, no school!” In other words, parents appear to feel that schools can pay their staff and maintain the school campus out of thin air.


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